Online poker opt-in bill introduced in Texas
Bill to be voted on in November would establish licensing programme with the passing of federal online poker legislation.
A bill which would automatically permit Texas to license online poker operators with the passing of federal law is set to face a public ballot later in the year.
If approved by Texas voters in November 2013, the Joint Resolution introduced by Texas State Senator Leticia Van de Putte yesterday will establish a programme to license the operation of online poker sites as soon as federal law is passed.
Texas Ballot Measure SJR No. 43 would allow any state the option of applying the law to authorise operators to accept bets from players located in states Texas automatically compacts with under a federal regulatory system.
The three-page bill also proposes that in the absence of permissive federal legislation, the Texas Lottery would have authority to license online poker rooms itself.
The proposed constitutional amendment is to be submitted to voters at an election to be held 5 November 2013 in a ballot named: “The constitutional amendment to authorise online poker gaming regulated under federal law.”
Earlier this year Texas Senator Eddie Rodriguez introduced a bill which would permit poker to be played in eligible brick and mortar properties, but ban it from being played online, was introduced in the Texas state legislature.
The legislation, entitled the Texas Poker Gaming Act of 2013, would see the state’s racetracks, bingo halls and reservations eligible for poker licences, while also imposing a ban on electronic poker tables. Poker would be categorised as a game of skill and regulated by the Texas Lottery Commission.