Safer Gambling Forum

A series of online content sessions in partnership with Safer Gambling Week where the industry can come together and share knowledge and best practice

Venue:  Online

Dates: 1- 3 November 2021 – Online

Safer Gambling Forum

A series of online content sessions in partnership with Safer Gambling Week where the industry can come together and share knowledge and best practice.

Safer Gambling Week has come together in association with EGR again this year to create the Safer Gambling Forum, a series of three short online content sessions for the gambling industry.

We have curated a programme of 90 minute webinars from 1-3 November which will provide the opportunity for the industry to share knowledge and best practice about their work on safer gambling, as well as hearing updates from safer gambling charities and key industry researchers.


 Day 1 (1 November ) – 1pm GMT: Operator best practice – safer gambling initiatives in 2021

Day 2 (2 November) – 1pm GMT: UK safer gambling charity updates

Day 3 ( 3 November) – 1pm GMT: A spotlight on new safer gambling research

 Speakers will include:

Pedro Romero, safer gambling consultant

Sasha Stark, senior researcher, Safer Gambling Council

With more to be announced soon.

The Forum is open to anyone interested, secure your place by clicking here 

If you have any questions please contact: Katie Renton at

Visit the official website:


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