EGR UK Summit 2021
In partnership with:
About the event:
The EGR UK Summit is an invitation only event bringing together senior level executives from the egaming industry to discuss safer gambling strategies, broader regulatory updates and how to not only keep up with changes in responsible gaming legislation but be ahead in terms of processes and innovation.
Returning to its traditional in-person format, the Summit will provide a programme of presentations, panel debates and roundtables from senior executives along with opportunities for 1-on-1 and group networking.
The Summit once again is in association with Safer Gambling Week – a campaign led by the gambling industry that aims to create a conversation with customers, staff and the wider public about safer gambling.
For full details, please visit our website: www.EGRUKSummit.com
Who can attend:
Strictly by invitation-only, the event will offer high level discussions and excellent networking opportunities.
Those who are entitled to participate as delegates will receive an official invitation that will allow them to confirm their registration.
Participation in the Summit is free of charge for all senior level operators.
If you have not received an invitation and would like to register your interest, click here.
More details and agenda will be announced soon.
For any enquiries, please contact us at virtualsupport@egr.global
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